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Windows 11 Client Disappears in Console

Verfasst: 28. Jan 2022, 18:17
von LanMan
Hi Folks,

I installed some new disks in my WHS 2011 server and reinstalled WHS 2011 to refresh everything. The I began reinstalling installing LO3.7 on the clients.

The server app installed as usual.

Installed the client app on an Dell XPS9360 laptop and it connected to the server was usual. The laptop runs Windows 10.

I installed the console app on an ASUS Pro WS x570 workstation running Windows 11 and is installed ok. The Dell laptop shows up and can be configured as usual.

Then I installed the client app on the workstation and connected to the server as usual. The workstation showed up briefly in LO3 console and then disappeared from the console app. The client app tool bar said it was no longer connected. I reconnected. The workstation again showed up in the console app and disappeared again. I repeated the whole procedure again a day layer. Same result. Oddly enough even though the the client icon on the tool bar says it is not connected to a server, I can right click and start a backup!

I would like to schedule the and monitor backups on the workstation with LO3. What could be causing the workstation to disappear from the console app?

The WS is sunning Windows 11 Pro, 21H2 Build 22000.434 with power toys installed.

Re: Windows 11 Client Disappears in Console

Verfasst: 31. Jan 2022, 08:16
von Martin
If a client disappears after a connect this always indicates a mismatch between WSH 2011 infrastructure and Lights-Out.
- Either the client has a WHS 2011 connector and is not reconnected to WHS 2011 (the client is missing in WHS 2011)
- Or the WHS 2011 has the client and the connector is missing (unlikely because you did a fresh install of the server)

Have you reconnected all clients to the WHS 2011 by uninstalling and reinstalling the WHS 2011 connector?
Do all clients show up in the computer & backup tab?

Re: Windows 11 Client Disappears in Console

Verfasst: 2. Feb 2022, 02:49
von LanMan
Problem Solved: " ... the client has a WHS 2011 connector and is not reconnected to WHS 2011 (the client is missing in WHS 2011) " was the answer. There was a failed installation of the WHS 2011 connector (https://<servername>/connect) on the workstation. Once I removed it (see below) and reinstalled the LO3 Console followed by the L03 Client (http://<servername>:7782) everything worked as it always had before.

Because the first attempt to install the WHS Connector failed, it did not show up in the "Add/Remove Apps" list as an installed program. Further attempts at re-installing the WHS connector also failed with a message message about an installation already being in progress. To get rid of the WHS connector I once again tried to install the WHS connector, this time using Revo Uninstaller to record the installation which once again failed with the same message. But Revo had recorded the files copied and registry keys added. Uninstalling the recorded installation using Revo removed all files and registry keys. Now, with all signs of the WHS Connector gone, installing LO3 Console & Client works as advertised. I am not pugging Revo. You probably do not need a third party uninstaller to clean up a failed installation. I seem to recall Microsoft had such a tool available for download some time ago, or, you could edit the registry if you know which keys to adjust/delete.

Problem solved. Thanks Martin!