Unable to figure out a schedule

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Registriert: 19. Feb 2023, 00:38

Unable to figure out a schedule

Beitrag von jsyshaggy »

I have LO3 running on Server 2022 and am struggling with the setup I want to put it to sleep when I don't use it. I mainly use the server as a media centre, file storage and as a test bed for websites but I don't want it turned on all the time as most of the work is done on a laptop.

1) I'd like to be able to boot the server remotely at any time of the day or night by sending a wake command from the app on my phone
2) If I boot the server at anytime I would usually be connecting via RDP, streaming with Emby/plex (Media App) or accessing shared files from the laptop so I want it to stay alive if any of these things are happening and otherwise go to sleep
3) I would also like to have a server backup running during the day and if possible have the server wake up for this, run the backup and then go back to sleep

My original thought was to have it sleep between 9 and 2 (because I only usually use it between these hours), wake it up with my phone and if nothing is happening it would go to sleep, then have 2am as a failsafe for sleeping regardless.

Thus far I have tried and noticed the following -
a) I have the calendar currently set to start at 9am (no action) and end at 2am (with standard action hibernate) and use the settings to monitor RDP, Shared Folders, Calendar and 1000Kb of Network. This doesn't appear to work though as any activity during the day keeps it awake.
b) I have the app setup on my phone and whilst this connects if I try to put it to sleep it immediately restarts
c) At 2am it appears to sleep and stay asleep on its own
d) I've changed the lightsout updates to occur at 11am once a week but when it updates the server stays awake all day

Help appreciated
Beiträge: 9953
Registriert: 11. Sep 2007, 10:51
Wohnort: Im wilden Süden

Re: Unable to figure out a schedule

Beitrag von Martin »


You have to configure an action like sleep under settings->action. This action is executed if Lights-Out detects no activity.
See https://help.green-it-software.com//hel ... rview.html
and https://help.green-it-software.com//hel ... tings.html

As activity you can use RDP, monitor your network load or set a time span via calendar.

If the server wakes up immediately, have a look at your network card settings. Disable wake by pattern match.
See https://help.green-it-software.com//hel ... elNIC.html

To schedule a backup, first verify that your backup provider is supported.
See https://help.green-it-software.com//hel ... vider.html
Then schedule a wake-up and start a backup via calendar.

Essentials 2016 unter Windows Server 2022 auf HP Microserver Gen 8.
Entwickler von Lights-Out
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 19. Feb 2023, 00:38

Re: Unable to figure out a schedule

Beitrag von jsyshaggy »

Apologies for the delay and thanks for the advise. I've finally got a little time to make a few changes. I may have been over complicating it with the calendar so I've disabled this and will give it a go for a few days.

Does it support Windows Server backup? The option appears to be ticked but it's also greyed out.


Beiträge: 9953
Registriert: 11. Sep 2007, 10:51
Wohnort: Im wilden Süden

Re: Unable to figure out a schedule

Beitrag von Martin »

Yes, Windows Backup is supported. It's automatically detected, that's why it's greyed out.
Essentials 2016 unter Windows Server 2022 auf HP Microserver Gen 8.
Entwickler von Lights-Out